- seaduck.utils.NoneIn(lst)#
See if there is a None in the iterable object. Return a Boolean.
- seaduck.utils.chg_ref_lon(x, ref_lon)#
Change the definition of 0 longitude.
Return how much east one need to go from ref_lon to x This function aims to address the confusion caused by the discontinuity in longitude.
- seaduck.utils.convert_time(time)#
Convert time into seconds after 1970-01-01.
time needs to be a string or a np.datetime64 object.
- seaduck.utils.create_tree(x, y, R=6371.0, leafsize=16)#
Create a cKD tree object.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – longitude and latitude of the grid location
y (np.ndarray) – longitude and latitude of the grid location
R (float) – The radius in kilometers of the planet.
leafsize (int) – When to switch to brute force search.
- seaduck.utils.easy_3d_cube(lon, lat, dep, tim, print_total_number=False)#
Create 4D coords for initializing Position/Particle.
- seaduck.utils.find_cs_sn(thetaA, phiA, thetaB, phiB)#
Find a spherical angle OAB.
theta is the angle between the meridian crossing point A and the geodesic connecting A and B.
this function return cos and sin of theta
- seaduck.utils.find_ind(array, value, peri=None, ascending=1, above=True)#
Find the index of the nearest value to the given value.
- Parameters:
array (numpy.ndarray) – 1D numpy array to search index from
value (number) – The value to find nearest neighbor with
peri (number, optional) – The periodicity of the array. For example, 360 for longitude.
ascending (int, default 1) – Whether the array is in ascending order. 1 for ascending order, -1 for descending order.
above (boolean, default True) – If True, return the index of the largest item in array smaller than value. Otherwise, return the closest value.
- seaduck.utils.find_ind_h(lons, lats, tree, h_shape)#
Use ckd tree to find the horizontal indexes,.
- seaduck.utils.find_px_py(XG, YG, tp, ind, cuvwg='G')#
Find the nearest 4 corner points.
This is used in oceanparcel interpolation scheme.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel(value, array, darray=None, ascending=1, above=True, peri=None, dx_right=True)#
Find the rel-coords of the 1D coords.
The backend for all find_rel functions
- Parameters:
value (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array for the value to find rel-coords.
array (numpy.ndarray) – The array of potential reference levels.
darray (numpy.ndarray, optional) – The distances between reference levels.
peri (number, optional) – The periodicity of the array. For example, 360 for longitude.
ascending (int, default 1) – Whether the array is in ascending order. 1 for ascending order, -1 for descending order.
above (boolean, default True) – If True, return the index of the largest item in array smaller than value. Otherwise, return the closest value.
dx_right (boolean, default True) – If True, darray[i] = abs(array[i+1] - array[i])
- Returns:
ix (numpy.ndarray) – Indexes of the reference level
rx (numpy.ndarray) – Non-dimensional distance to the reference level
dx (numpy.ndarray) – distance between the reference t level and the next one.
bx (numpy.ndarray) – Value of the reference level
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_h_naive(lon, lat, some_x, some_y, some_dx, some_dy, CS, SN, tree)#
Find the rel-coords in the horizontal.
very similar to find_rel_time/v rx,ry,dx,dy are defined the same way for example rx = “how much to the right of the node”/”size of the cell in left-right direction” dx = “size of the cell in left-right direction”.
cs,sn is just the cos and sin of the grid orientation. It will come in handy when we transfer vectors.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_h_oceanparcel(x, y, some_x, some_y, some_dx, some_dy, CS, SN, XG, YG, tree, tp)#
Find the rel-coords using the rectilinear scheme.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_h_rectilinear(x, y, lon, lat)#
Find the rel-coords using the rectilinear scheme.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_nearest(value, ts)#
Find the rel-coords based on the find_ind_nearest method.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_periodic(value, ts, peri)#
Find the rel-coords based on the find_ind_periodic method.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_time(time, ts)#
Find the rel-coords of the temporal coords.
- Parameters:
time (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array for the time since 1970-01-01 in seconds.
ts (numpy.ndarray) – The time of model time steps also in seconds.
- Returns:
it (numpy.ndarray) – Indexes of the reference t level
rt (numpy.ndarray) – Non-dimensional distance to the reference t level
dt (numpy.ndarray) – distance between the reference t level and the next one.
- seaduck.utils.find_rel_z(depth, some_z, some_dz=None, dz_above_z=True)#
Find the rel-coords of the vertical coords.
- Parameters:
depth (numpy.ndarray) – 1D array for the depth of interest in meters. More negative means deeper.
some_z (numpy.ndarray) – The depth of reference depth.
some_dz (numpy.ndarray or None) – dz_i = abs(z_{i+1}- z_i)
dz_above_z (Boolean) – Whether the dz as the distance between the depth level and a shallower one(True) or a deeper one(False)
- Returns:
iz (numpy.ndarray) – Indexes of the reference z level
rz (numpy.ndarray) – Non-dimensional distance to the reference z level
dz (numpy.ndarray) – distance between the reference z level and the next one.
- seaduck.utils.find_rx_ry_naive(x, y, bx, by, cs, sn, dx, dy)#
Find the non-dimensional coords using the local cartesian scheme.
- seaduck.utils.find_rx_ry_oceanparcel(x, y, px, py)#
Find the non-dimensional horizontal distance.
This is done using the oceanparcel scheme.
- seaduck.utils.get_dataset(name)#
Use pooch to download datasets from cloud.
This is just for testing purposes.
- Parameters:
name (string) – The name of dataset, now support “ecco”, “aviso”, “curv”, “rect”
- seaduck.utils.get_key_by_value(d, value)#
Find one of the keys in a dictionary.
the key that correspond to the given value.
- Parameters:
d (dictionaty) – dictionary to lookup key from
value (object) – A object that has __eq__ method.
- seaduck.utils.local_to_latlon(u, v, cs, sn)#
Convert local vector to north-east.
- seaduck.utils.missing_cs_sn(ds, return_xr=False)#
Fill in the CS,SN of a dataset.
- seaduck.utils.parallelpointinpolygon(xs, ys, poly)#
Check if xs,ys is in the polygon, return same size boolean array.
- Parameters:
xs (1D np.array) – the x,y locations
ys (1D np.array) – the x,y locations
poly (2D np.array) – the location of the edge of polygon, the order matters.
- seaduck.utils.pointinpolygon(x, y, poly)#
Check if x,y is in the polygon.
- seaduck.utils.pooch_prepare()#
Prepare for loading datasets using pooch.
- seaduck.utils.process_ecco(ds)#
Add more meat to ECCO dataset after the skeleton is downloaded.
- seaduck.utils.rel2latlon(rx, ry, cs, sn, dx, dy, bx, by)#
Translate the spatial rel-coords into lat-lon-dep coords.
- seaduck.utils.spherical2cartesian(lat, lon, R=6371.0)#
Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian.
- Parameters:
lat (np.array) – Spherical Y coordinate (latitude)
lon (np.array) – Spherical X coordinate (longitude)
R (scalar) – Earth radius in km If None, use geopy default
- Returns:
x (np.array) – Cartesian x coordinate
y (np.array) – Cartesian y coordinate
z (np.array) – Cartesian z coordinate
- seaduck.utils.to_180(x, peri=360)#
Convert any longitude scale to [-180,180).
- seaduck.utils.weight_f_node(rx, ry)#
Assign weights to four corners.
assign weight based on the non-dimensional coords to the four corner points.