Particle in an East Greenland regional simulation#

Author: Wenrui Jiang, Tom Haine Feb ‘23

Warning⚠️ : the notebook was last ran on 2023-11-22 with seaduck 1.0.0. You can find the executable version at MaceKuailv/seaduck_sciserver_notebook.

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import oceanspy as ospy

import seaduck as sd

Access IGPwinter

The regional MITgcm run is the IGPwinter simulation ( Renfrew et al., 2019) and is publicly available on SciServer (from the Oceanography container). The simulation output can be opened using the OceanSpy package using the from_catalog method.

ecco = ospy.open_oceandataset.from_catalog("IGPwinter")

Click here for a full list of the dataset hosted and here to find out more.

od = ospy.open_oceandataset.from_catalog("IGPwinter")
Opening IGPwinter.
High-resolution numerical simulation carried out in parallel to the observational
component of the Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP).
 * Renfrew et al., 2019 - BAMS.

We’re going to artificially create an open boundary in depth. This is to demonstrate that there’s no weird behavior associated with open vertical boundaries.

ds = od._ds.isel(Z=slice(0, 50), Zl=slice(0, 50))

Prepare the simulation#

Since this notebook works with an open domain (regional model, not global), it’s going to differ a bit from other seaduck notebooks.

We’re interested in looking at the coastal current. First, we need to prepare a seaduck.OceData object…

oce = sd.OceData(ds)

…Initialize the particles: We put the ducks on the East Greenland continental shelf…

Nx = 20
Nz = 10
x = np.linspace(-22, -20, Nx)
z = np.linspace(0, -200, Nz)
x, z = np.meshgrid(x, z)
x = x.ravel()
z = z.ravel()
y = np.ones_like(x) * 71.0

…and at the beginning of the simulation…

start_time = "2018-01-02"
t = np.ones_like(x) * sd.utils.convert_time(start_time)

…and integrate forward in time for one month (the actual trajectory calculation is made below; this is just setting parameters).

end_time = "2018-02-01"
tf = sd.utils.convert_time(end_time)

Here is where the particles start on the map:#

plt.pcolormesh(ds["XC"], ds["YC"], np.log10(ds["Depth"] + 10), cmap="Blues")
plt.plot(x, y, "r")
cb = plt.colorbar(label="Depth(m)")
cbar_depth = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, 500, 100), np.arange(500, 4000, 500)]) + 10), cbar_depth, fontsize=6)
plt.title("Bathymetry of model domain and particle initial position")


Fig.1 The initial position of the particles released (red line) on a horizontal map of the surrounding regions.

We are going to follow a cold puff of fresh water near the Greenland shelf. Since we have OceanSpy installed here at SciServer, let me quickly show you how to make a vertical section of this region. (It really takes no effort at all!)

od_surv = od.subsample.survey_stations(
    Xsurv=[-22.0, -19.0], Ysurv=[71.0, 71.0], delta=1
od_surv._ds = od_surv._ds.isel(time=0)
od_surv.plot.vertical_section(varName="Temp", contourName="Sigma0")
plt.ylim([-750, 0])


Fig.2 Vertical section at 71N. This vertical section goes a little further east than the initial particle positions to include the shelf break. Colors denotes the potential temperature, while the contours are the potential density anomaly calculated using OceanSpy (with the equation of state the model used).

Since we are in an open domain (in all three dimensions), given long enough time, some particles will leave the domain. This will jeopardise the entire simulation! We can define a callback function to stop that from happening.

If provided, the function will be called every time particles cross walls. It can be used to manipulate the particles and catch the out-of-domain issue. But here we just use it as a stop/continue criterion.

def continue_criterion(pt):
    x_ = np.logical_and(pt.lon < -10, pt.lon > -35)
    y_ = np.logical_and( < 72, > 65)
    z_ = pt.dep > -750
    return np.logical_and(np.logical_and(x_, y_), z_)

This time we are going to use volume flux (transport) to advect the particles. This is usually better than using the velocity field itself.

oce["utrans"] = oce["U"] * oce["drF"] * oce["dyG"]
oce["vtrans"] = oce["V"] * oce["drF"] * oce["dxG"]
oce["wtrans"] = oce["W"] * oce["rA"]

Finally, create the particle object:

p = sd.Particle(
    # save_raw = True,

Perform the particle trajectory simulation#

Run the simulation! This can take some time, so grab a break…

stops, raw = p.to_list_of_time([t[0], tf])

Retrieve the particle positions from the seaduck.eulerian.position objects.

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lons = np.array([pt.lon for pt in raw])
lats = np.array([ for pt in raw])

Plot results#

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plt.pcolormesh(od._ds["XC"], od._ds["YC"], np.log10(od._ds["Depth"] + 10), cmap="Blues")
plt.plot(x, y, "r")
plt.plot(lons, lats, "gold", lw=0.5)
plt.xlim([-35, -10])
plt.ylim([65, 72])
plt.title("Particle trajectories overlaid on bathymetry map")


Fig.3 The particle trajectories overlaid on Fig.1. The color scheme for bathymetry is the same as Fig.1.